1. NATIONAL HAULIERS will provide the Services in accordance with this agreement.
2. NATIONAL HAULIERS will collect the Goods from, and deliver the Goods to, the locations and persons specified in the booking confirmation or, if relevant, the Bill of lading or consignment note. You are responsible for arranging that the collection and delivery locations are accessible at the times agreed for collection and delivery and are reasonably suitable for collection or delivery of Goods. If the delivery location is unattended or not reasonably accessible or delivery of the Goods is refused, NATIONAL HAULIERS may choose to deposit the Goods at the delivery location, store the Goods or return the Goods to the sender at your risk and expense and that action will be deemed to constitute delivery.
3. If NATIONAL HAULIERS becomes aware of any damage to or deterioration of Goods whilst in its possession or under its control, NATIONAL HAULIERS will promptly notify you and, to the extent reasonably practicable, will quarantine the affected Goods to allow you to inspect them. You and NATIONAL HAULIERS must use reasonable endeavors to agree as to what to do with the quarantined Goods.
4. Any vehicle used by you or your associate to deliver or collect the Goods is in the fit and proper condition and complies with all applicable laws.
5. The person delivering the Goods to and the person collecting the Goods from NATIONAL HAULIERS is authorized to do so and is author sided to bind you under this agreement.
1. You must pay Charges to NATIONAL HAULIERS for the Services prior to commencement of the Services unless NATIONAL HAULIERS agrees otherwise. If you do not pay Charges by the due date for payment, NATIONAL HAULIERS may suspend the provision of the Services until Charges have been paid or may, on 7 days’ notice, terminate this agreement.
Charges must be paid by credit card or by deposit to an account identified by NATIONAL HAULIERS in the booking confirmation.
2. Charges payable for the Services are confidential and you agree not to disclose them to any third party.
3. NATIONAL HAULIERS will charge a cancellation fee if you terminate this agreement. The charges are calculated as follows:
· all cancellations will incur a cancellation fee of $550 AUS;
· for cancellations on the agreed collection day or the day prior a fee of 80% of the full service charge will apply.
4. NATIONAL HAULIERS may charge by weight, measurement or value and may at any time re-weigh or re-value, or re-measure or require the Goods to be re-weighed, re-valued or re-measured and charge proportional additional Charges accordingly.
5. Every special instruction to the effect that Charges shall be paid by a person other than the Customer shall be deemed to include a stipulation that if that person does not pay those Charges within 7 days of the date set for payment, or if no date is set for payment within 7 days of delivery or attempted delivery of the Goods, then the Customer shall pay those Charges within 7 days of being notified of that persons failure to pay.
Unless otherwise expressly stated, all prices or other sums payable or consideration to be provided under this agreement are inclusive of GST.
If GST is payable, on any supply made under this agreement, the recipient will pay to the supplier an amount equal to the GST payable on the supply. The recipient must pay this amount in addition to and at the same time that the consideration for the supply is to be provided under this agreement.
1. NATIONAL HAULIERS is not a common carrier and accepts no liability as such.
NATIONAL HAULIERS reserves the rights to agree or to refuse contact with the Customer in its absolute discretion.
2. NATIONAL HAULIERS is not, and will not be deemed to be, a consignor as defined by the Road Transport Reform (Dangerous Goods) Regulations 1997 (CTH) and accepts no liability as such. The Customer authorizes NATIONAL HAULIERS to name the Customer or another person as the consignor in any documentation where applicable.
3. All Services are provided by NATIONAL HAULIERS subject only to these Conditions, the Conditions which are incorporated into any bill of lading, waybill or consignment note issued by, NATIONAL HAULIERS the Conditions in the bill of lading, waybill or consignment note shall prevail.
4. All rights, immunities, indemnities and limitations of liability in these Conditions shall continue to have their full force and effect in all circumstances and notwithstanding any breach of this contract or of these Conditions by NATIONAL HAULIERS or any other person entitled to the benefit of such provisions.
5. If any provision or any part of a provision in these Conditions is unenforceable such unenforceability shall not effect any other provision or any other part of a provision.
6. These Conditions are subject to any warranty implied by the trade practices Act 1974 (Cth) to the extent to which the Act is applicable to these Conditions and prevents the exclusion, restriction and modification.
7.NATIONAL HAULIERS shall not be bound by any agreement purporting to waive or vary these Conditions unless such agreement is in writing and signed by an authorized person.
The Customer warrants that:
i) It is either the owner and/or the authorized agent of the person or persons owning or having any interest in the Goods or any part of the Goods and enters into this contract on its own behalf and/or as authorized agent of that person or persons;
ii) It has accurately and fully described the Goods having regard to the nature and packing of the Goods and has provided all necessary instruction and information regarding handling, care and control of the Goods having regard to the nature and packing of the Goods;
iii) It has complied with the requirements of any applicable law (including the Australian Dangerous Goods Code) relating to the nature, condition, packing, handling, labeling, storage and carriage of the Goods and it shall provide all necessary assistance, information and documentation to enable NATIONAL HAULIERS to comply with any of its obligations under such law;
iv) Other than a Claim or allegation by the Customer against NATIONAL HAULIERS, no Claim or allegation shall be made by any person (including the Customer) against any other person (including NATIONAL HAULIERS) who provides the Services or any part of the Services, which imposes or attempts to impose any liability whatsoever and howsoever arising in connection with the provision of the Services and/or Goods.
1. NATIONAL HAULIERS may provide the Services by any method which NATIONAL HAULIERS in its absolute discretion deems fit notwithstanding any instructions of the Customer that the Services are to be supplied by another method.
2. NATIONAL HAULIERS may comply with any orders, directions or recommendations made by a Government Agency in relation to the Goods and/or the provision of the Services without recourse by, and at the risk and expense of, the Customer.
3. If the Customer or the receiver fails to accept delivery of Goods, NATIONAL HAULIERS shall be entitled to store the Goods at the risk and expense of the Customer.
4. NATIONAL HAULIERS shall dispose of abandoned Goods at the expense of the Customer in any way it deems fit and without compensation to the Customer. The Customer shall be given 14 days written notice to NATIONAL HAULIERS If intention to dispose of the Goods.
5. If, in the opinion of NATIONAL HAULIERS the Goods are liable to become Dangerous Goods, NATIONAL HAULIERS in its absolute discretion may refuse to provide the Services, or may at any time destroy, dispose of, abandon or render harmless the Goods without compensation to and at the expense of the Customer.
6. If, in the opinion of NATIONAL HAULIERS, the Goods do not meet the requirements of all applicable laws relating to the Goods and Services to be handled by NATIONAL HAULIERS using the equipment and operating procedures normally employed by NATIONAL HAULIERS in providing the Services, NATIONAL HAULIERS in its absolute discretion may:
i) Refuse to Provide the Services in respect of the Goods or any part of them; or
ii) Take whatever measures deemed necessary at the risk and expense of the Customer to cause the Goods to comply with the requirements of all such laws or to make the Goods suitable to be handled by NATIONAL HAULIERS.
7. If, in the opinion of NATIONAL HAULIERS it is necessary and reasonable to do so to render the Goods or Services in relation to the Goods safe, NATIONAL HAULIERS may open any Container, Caravan, Vehicle ,Boat, package, Carrying goods in general, wrapping or documents.
8.NATIONAL HAULIERS may subcontract the Services (in whole or in part) on any terms and NATIONAL HAULIERS is or shall be deemed to be acting as agent or trustee on behalf of and for the benefit of a subcontractor and/or any person who is or may be vicariously liable for the acts or omissions of NATIONAL HAULIERS or a subcontract, each of whom shall to this extent be or be deemed to be parties to this contract.
1. Every exemption, limitation, condition, right, defense and immunity available to NATIONAL HAULIERS shall be available and shall extend to protect a subcontractor or any person who is or may be vicariously liable for the acts or omissions of NATIONAL HAULIERS, or a subcontractor.
2. NATIONAL HAULIERS accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any part of any description of, or any declaration in the relation to, the Goods on any document to which the Services relate.
3. NATIONAL HAULIERS shall not be responsible in tort, contract and bailment or otherwise for any, or the consequences of any:
i) Breach by You or your associates of any term of these Conditions and/or any applicable Services Agreement;
ii) Loss or damage to personal effects or other items in any Motor Vehicle or goods carried;
iii) Tarpaulins attached to any Motor Vehicle or boats;
iv) Motor Vehicle which cannot be moved under its own power, has a ground clearance of less than 15 centimeters, or is in an un-roadworthy condition;
v) Damage to any Motor Vehicle caused by animal droppings, hail or airborne objects;
vi) Damage to any real and personal property and any injury to or death of any person, caused by any negligent act or omission of You or your associates arising out of or in connection with this agreement;
vii) Loss of or damaged to the Goods, or delay in delivering or failure to deliver the Goods; or
viii) Delay in providing or failure to provide or perform Services.
4. NATIONAL HAULIERS shall not be responsible in tort, contract, and bailment or otherwise for any, loss or damage, costs or expenses incurred by the Customer or any other person arising out of or in connection with the provision of the Services.
5. To the extent permitted by law, where NATIONAL HAULIERS accepts liability for damages caused to ‘’GOODS” whilst in its care:
i) That liability shall not exceed AUD$300000 or ;
ii) NATIONAL HAULIERS liability is limited to the cost of repairing the vehicle, or by payment of the current market value of the vehicle (whichever is the lesser amount);
iii)NATIONAL HAULIERS shall be entitled to choose whether it will repair the vehicle at a repairer of its choice or pay the cost of current market value;
iv) NATIONAL HAULIERS also has the right to specify the use of new, used or non-genuine parts for the repairs;
v) NATIONAL HAULIERS may appoint a loss assessor of its own choice.
6. The liability of NATIONAL HAULIERS in respect of an incident is limited to supplying the Services again or to the payment of the cost of having Services supplied again, subject to the loss of or damage to the Goods exceeding AUD $500.00.
7. Any Claim for loss of or damage to the Goods or relating to performances of the Services must be notified in writing to NATIONAL HAULIERS within 7 days of delivery of the Goods or Container or the date by which the Goods should have been delivered.
8. The Customer or the receiver shall inspect the Motor Vehicle upon delivery and shall immediately notify NATIONAL HAULIERS of any alleged damaged to the Motor Vehicle by noting such damage on the consignment note issued by NATIONAL HAULIERS .
9. In any event, NATIONAL HAULIERS shall be discharged from all liability whatsoever unless suit is brought within 6 months of the provision of the Services, delivery of the Goods or Container, when the Services should have been provided, or when the Goods should have been delivered.
10. In the event that damage is caused to your “Goods” whilst in the care of NATIONAL HAULIERS the liability of NATIONAL HAULIERS is limited to loss or damage exceeding AUD$600.
11. In addition to our individual carrier’s insurance policies, NATIONAL HAULIERS holds insurance policies for damages incurred and total loss both by accident or theft. In the event that a claim is made an excess of $600 for damage or $1000 for total loss or theft shall be payable by the Client.
12. The following are exceptions to the damage warranty:
i) No claim will be accepted if the damage is not recorded on the delivery condition report;
ii) NATIONAL HAULIERS will not accept any responsibility for underside damage to vehicles with a ground clearance of less than 150mm unless stated and accepted by carrier , otherwise;
iii) NATIONAL HAULIERS will not accept responsibility for any mechanical derangement;
iv) NATIONAL HAULIERS will not accept responsibility for the loss of any personal items transported within any vehicle;
v) NATIONAL HAULIERS will not accept liability for damage to vehicles in poor or damaged condition at pickup;
vi) NATIONAL HAULIERS will not accept liability for damage to the underside or concealed areas of the vehicle;
vii) NATIONAL HAULIERS warranty does not cover non-drivable vehicles.
NATIONAL HAULIERS shall not be responsible in tort, contract or otherwise for any, or the consequences of any, loss or damaged, sots, fines or penalties incurred by the Customer or any other persons resulting from or arising out of or in connection with any quotation, advice, statement, representation or
information given or made by or on behalf of NATIONAL HAULIERS to the Customer or others as to the classification of or any matter material to the valuation of or the liability for the amount, scale or rate of customs and/or exercise duty or other impost, tax or rate charged in respect of the Goods or cargo.
In giving or making such quotation, advice, statement, representation or information 888 RV Trans relies solely on the particulars provided by the Customer in relation to the Goods or cargo and in relation to the transaction(s) relating to the Goods or cargo.
1. NATIONAL HAULIERS shall have a lien on the Goods and/or any other cargo or items of the Customer in possession or control of NATIONAL HAULIERS and any documents relating to those Goods, cargo or items for all sums payable by the Customer to NATIONAL HAULIERS.
2. NATIONAL HAULIERS shall have the right to charge for storage and/or may remove to a warehouse or bond store the Goods, cargo or items subject to a lien at the risk and expense of the Customer.
3. NATIONAL HAULIERS may sell, on 28 days’ notice, Goods, cargo or items subject to a lien by public auction or private treaty and retain the sums due to it, in addition to the Charges incurred in detention and sake of such Goods, cargo or items from their proceeds and shall pay any surplus to the entitled person.
NATIONAL HAULIERS shall be released from its obligations under these Conditions to the extent that performance is delayed, hindered or prevented due to any event or circumstance beyond the control of NATIONAL HAULIERS.
These Conditions shall be governed and constructed in accordance with the laws of the State or Territory in which this contract was made and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that State or Territory.
This part shall apply only to Services, in respect of ‘’Goods ’’, provided by NATIONAL HAULIERS.
NATIONAL HAULIERS does not hold an Australian Financial Services License and, in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), shall not arrange or provide insurance for the Customer. The Customer must obtain its own insurance in respect of the Goods and/or the Services.
In these Conditions:
Charges means NATIONAL HAULIERS quoted charges for Services calculated under its rates schedule or other agreed rates and the charges and any cost of any NATIONAL HAULIERS extra services tax (GST) levied directly on transport or supply under these Conditions.
Claim means a demand claim, action or proceeding made or brought by or against a person, however arising and whether present unascertained immediate, future or contingent.
Conditions mean these Standard Conditions of Contract.
Container means any container, trailer, transportable tank, pallet, flat rack, bolster or any device used to consolidate and carry cargo.
Customer means the person at whose request or on whose behalf of NATIONAL HAULIERS provides the Services.
Dangerous Goods means Dangerous Goods as defined in the Australian Dangerous Goods Code, and any Goods which are dangerous, volatile, explosive, inflammable or offensive, or which may become harmful to any person, property or the environment whatsoever.
Dispute means any controversy, Claim or dispute arising out of or in relation to this agreement.
Goods means the Motor Vehicle, Caravan, Boat or item in relation to which any part of any Services have been or are to be performed.
Government Agency means a government or government department or other body, a governmental semi-governmental or judicial person, or a person (whether autonomous or not) who is charged with the administration of a law.
GST Law has the same meaning as in the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) ACT 1999 (CTH).
Invoice means a tax invoice issued under the GST Law.
Motor Vehicle means a passenger vehicle, light commercial vehicle or truck.
Services means the whole of the operations and Services undertaken by NATIONAL HAULIERS in anyway whatsoever connected with or concerning the Goods, together with a license to use related information technology systems/processes and software developed by NATIONAL HAULIERS (if applicable) and utilized by NATIONAL HAULIERS and/or the Customer in relation to those Services.
Services Agreement means, where applicable, the agreement forming part of this contact which includes specific provisions in relation to the Services.
Subcontractor means any person, and its servants or agents, who pursuant to a contract or arrangement with any other person (whether or not 888Transgroup) provides or agrees to provide the Services or any part of the Services.
NATIONAL HAULIERS means NATIONAL HAULIERS with whom this contract is made.
Vehicle means a truck or other Motor Vehicle or train employed by a person other than NATIONAL HAULIERS or its subcontractors to deliver the Goods to NATIONAL HAULIERS or to collect Goods from NATIONAL HAULIERS at a premises.
You and Your means you, the Customer specified in the booking confirmation.
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